Tuesday, March 3, 2015

A Christmas Story The Musical

After Tom Sawyer, I started a new job! I work for an agency that handles foster care, reintegration, and adoption for the state of Kansas. I am, essentially, a compliance consultant for five regional offices, so I get to travel! I must confess, I love a road trip! (Name that show reference...) :) I love my job. Love. It. But, with the adventure of new employment, I felt it best if we focused on finding our routine before auditioning for another show, so we took the fall off. 

We jumped back into theater, though, with our auditions for the Christmas show, A Christmas Story, The Musical.

The Sunday of audition weekend, I got a call I would never have expected. The directors were wondering if my daughter would be comfortable playing a boy, particularly Randy, Ralphies little brother. Um....HECK YES!!! Her first lead!!!

 She was thrilled beyond belief, and I instantly became a nervous wreck! But then I remembered who my kid was. She embraced Randy, fully and completely. She and her "brother", Jaxon, who played Ralphie, were so into their respective roles it wasn't long before they were bickering like siblings without a script. Another theater friendship that has transcended shows and will transcend time I believe.
Mallory, as a flapper tapper and our friend Madi. This girl is going places! Watch out, Broadway!

Mallory learned her lines, her blocking, her cues, her songs like a pro. She even had a few solo lines in one. She blew away her directors with her dedication and creation of the part. And it wasn't her only part. Since she is a dancer, she was also cast as a flapper tapper in the Speak-Easy scene. She had to go from boy (with wig) to flapper back to boy in about the amount of time it took to change set. And she did it. With a dresser, but she did it! Now that's skills, folks. Major performer skills.

I was also cast in this one, in the ensemble. We had 4 major dance numbers....Zumba ain't got nuthin' on musical theater!

One of our "major" dance numbers was "A Major Award". We danced with leg lamps. Complete with kick-line. Our "Old Man", The uber-talented Lynn Hase (see previous post about Lynn's directorial talents) played the part of Ralphie and Randy's dad. We had way too much fun with this. We even invented our own dance-language. Our kick line was da bomb.

This was the show that solidified my friendship with many folks, but mainly with the beautiful Ms. Dashona Mahoney. This lady can sing, and boy can she make me laugh. All of the adults in the ensemble were a joy to get to know, some get to know better, others for the first time. Many of whom I would go on to see in the next show....Shrek The Musical.

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