Friday, September 17, 2010

In keeping with my promise to myself to write daily, here is todays end of the day drivel.

I adore the show Haven. It's on Syfy. Never in a million years would have guessed that I'd adore that channel, but I'm finding myself watching more shows there then anywhere else on tv. Nick Jr, excluded. Haven, Warehouse 13 and Eureka. Love it. Also love Castle and Mad Men. See? Syfy wins out, three to one.

In other news...well, there isn't really any other news. Went to work, both jobs were (blessedly) uneventful, came home and baked a frozen pizza for the girl and myself since daddy was working at the fair, folded some laundry, watched Haven (did I mention I adore that show?), wrote drivel and am about to go to bed.

Please, try to contain your excitement. It's contagious and I just can't handle any more.

Big events lurking on the horizon for tomorrow: a trip to Sam's Club for the montly stock-up, work (cleaning the church, ick), and working on M's first ever school project. I love her teacher, but a homework project that involves parental assistance in Kindergarten seems more like mommy-homework than kid-homework...and this mommy has enough "home"work to keep her busy enough, thank you very much.

Again, please try to keep the excitement level to a dull roar.

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