Friday, September 17, 2010

I love how days begin so wonderfully and end so...not. Yesterday was one of those days.

I vow, today will be better.

I vow, I will write something, even if it's just a menu, everyday.

I vow, I will not allow others to make me feel like less of a person, regardless of who, or what relation they have to me.

In other news, went to the fair with Cori, the girls, and M. On my way to take husband some cash for food at his booth, I stopped by the Kansas Dem. Party booth. Talked to the lady from the Reno County Dems and she took my name and info to fill a spot left by M. Stafford, (RIP, you are greatly missed!) as the committeewoman for Ward 1 here in the Nick precinct! WOW! I hope this works out. I really want to get involved.

must get back to work...must begin of those.

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