Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Grow up time

Ok boys and girls, time pull up your big boy/girl panties and act your age. Seriously.

Tonight we received a phone call from husbands older brother informing us his daughter would be in his area visiting for a bit. Husband and the kids were invited. Very specifically stated, "You and the kids". Really?! Like we wouldn't notice the fact I was specifically left out? As it happens, I am on good terms with my the niece, or at least believe to be. I'm just amazed at the level of childishness some folks are willing to stoop to. Like my husband would actually take our kid and leave me behind. Really? Really? You actually think that would happen? You're even more bat-shit-crazy than I'd originally given you credit for.

Slightly sad thing is this means we won't be attending ANY family function in the future, because to be in the same room as these two would take the patience of Job and I for one don't have it.

And, its time to get over the fact he is no longer married to his ex, there by removing her from the family. I'm sorry you're upset by this, but time to move on. If you truly loved your brother or brother-in-law, you would be happy he's not with a crazy, controlling, psycho loon anymore.

This whole thing is disgusting. And this is why we will be noticably absent come holiday time. Sorry to the ones I like, but if I'm not welcome, my family won't come. Period.

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