Thursday, March 4, 2010

Psalm 109

This is the angry psalm. The one that asks God to use His mighty vengeance against those who would persecute David. This is the one many use as ammunition against the Bible and God. This psalm spoke to me today. Very deeply spoke to me.

Allow me to quote some of it first.
"My enemies say of me:
'Find a lying witness,
an accuser to stand by his right
That he may be judged and found guilty,
that his plea may be in vain.
May his days be few;
may another take his office,
May his children be fatherless,
his wife, a widow.
May his children be vagrant beggars,
driven from their hovels.' " Psalm 109: 6-10

This Psalm is angry, vindictive, vengeful, mad, frustrated...many, many things. It speaks to me because of this. First, my take on the Psalm

I see this Psalm as David's angry vent to God. I read this, interpreted this, to be that David is older, tired, weary of those who would persecute him, make a mockery of him. I did not read this to be that David was literally asking God to strike down his enemies in the way he mentioned, but maybe he was. I wasn't there, I didn't go through Seminary, I don't have the theological training of many. I do have my instinct and how it affects me.

Now, why it speaks to me. I am currently the object of anther's anger and jealousy. She in a part of my husbands family and not someone I can just walk away from. I have been slanderized to other members of the family and lies have been told about me. I have had a few people turn away from me, as a result of these lies.

I am frustrated like David and, like David, I would like to see my enemies smote down. Not quite with the force David vented and raged about in the psalm, but something in the form of revenge would be nice. Even for her words to come back and bite her in the ass would be nice.

Who hasn't ranted, raged and vented like David in 109? No one I know could say they haven't. I know I sure have ranted, raged and vented like David. Boy have I! I try to keep the rants and raves in blogosphere, or on the phone to close friends, or even just to myself, but out loud, just so I hear myself speak the words. That consoles me, just to hear myself speak sometimes. I don't need an answer, just to let off steam. Like David. And like David, I will pray for those who slanderize me, those who spread lies about me, and who out one side of their mouth gush friendship and love, but out the other side of their mouths spew hatred and lies. Yes, I will pray for her. Hopefully someone out there will pray for me.


  1. And that's why God is also portrayed as our Father. He holds us as we cry and rage and vent and despair. He pats our back, dries our tears, and says, "There. Feel better now? I'm here, and nothing anyone says or does will change how I feel about you."

  2. Wow, I needed to be reminded of that! Thanks for bringing me tears of relief just now.
