Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine's Day post

The hallmark holiday. I'm totally not a fan of Valentine's Day in its current state. I think why reserve one day a year to show your love for that special person in your life? And if you're going to pick one day, wouldn't be your significant others birthday? Or your anniversary? Or your children's birthdays? Valentine's Day has become extremely commercialized. This makes me cringe.

This interesting article looks at the history of Valentine's Day, from pre-Christianity through modern, commercial times. Some of the stories, especially the post-Christian ones, seem romantic and possibly embellished, but there is a St. Valentine and he most likely was martyred. So, as a Catholic, I'll take a few minutes to remember in prayer one who was killed for his beliefs, but see no connection to Valentine's Day as it currently is.

But, the recurring theme of love is what I'd like to focus this post on. So, I'm taking an idea from and I'll list some of my loves. They are as follows

my daughter, my husband, being snowed in, snow, being a loud and proud democrat, serving my community and others, my dogs, the sound of rain, the smell of rain, the smell of freshly cut grass and hay and brownies and bread, a cold diet coke, ice tea, caramel marchiato coffee, my house with its kid mess or clean, my job as a church secretary, my job in the after school program with its totally crazy lovable and insane kids that I can call my own for 3 hours a day, my friends near and far/old and new, writing, reading, Gone with the Wind (book and movie versions), Glee, American Idol, cooking, eating, talking with friends, my sister-in-law, laughing until it hurts, sleeping in, my warm bed on a gray dreary morning especially when I don't have to get up, fresh bread with melted butter (YUM!), warm clothes fresh from the dryer, a clean house, puppy breath, back when she was younger nursing my daughter, driving with no clear destination, horses, studying my genealogy.

Love takes many forms.

Love does not judge, love is patient, love is kind. Love is slow to anger, quick to forgive.

Friendship is Love without his wings. - Lord Byron.

Let us love one another as we love ourselves.

And the greatest of these is Love.

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