Saturday, February 6, 2010


do men in the great state of Ks insist on wearing their nasty, muddy, stanky shitkickers into a church??? SERIOUSLY. For the love of all things, change your dang shoes! I hate having to scrape mud (and I'm being generous here with that description, I hope and pray its mud) off the floor of the fellowship hall and bathrooms when it could have easily been avoided.

You wouldn't wear them onto your wife's living room carpet, why is it ok to wear them into God's house?

*Whew* I feel better now. Thanks for that!

Disclaimer: For the record, I love farmers, cowboys, wranglers. I love, love, love steak and a good pork chop. I love, love, love, love wheat because it makes bread and bread of all types and I have a very close relationship. And at one point in my life, I wore the kickers myself, mucking out horse stalls and paddocks. This is in no way meant to be a mean reference towards the working men and women of the range, only one church custodians gripe after 2 hours of a Saturday night spent preparing (for the second time this week, much shorter this time 'round though) for Sunday morning worship service.

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