Sunday, July 10, 2016

Nuns vs Bears

As I have well documented, theatre (no its not spelled wrong, thank you) is a favorite everything of mine. From music to camaraderie, rehearsal shenanigans to the laughter of an audience, the sets, the costumes (well, when they fit anyway), the backstage jokes and the ability to shed ones reality for a time and play make-believe with a bunch of other people who are friends... I love everything about theatre.

This show I'm in now I wasn't planning on auditioning for. I really wanted to try out for Nunsense which is being performed at a different community theatre in my town, but when I took my kiddo to the auditions for this show I got talked into "trying out" which really was more of a "yeah, I'll do it" type of audition. Let the record show I wouldn't have made it into Nunsense. The turnout for those auditons would have been solid enough I wouldn't have stood a chance. So, knowing that and that'd I'd be driving my kid to rehearsals anyway, I agreed to audition with her. As a result I'm in The Adventures of a Bear Called Paddington.  It's cute. Best part: My kiddo is Paddington! That's awesome. She got her first lead!

Sidenote: the night she officially got the news she was cast as the title character we were watching the Tony Awards. How appropriate is that!? (The next day she fell off her bike and broke her wrist, but that's another post.)

So, we're both in "Paddington" as I've taken to calling it.

Not only that, but this "play that isn't a musical" has a number of songs. And yours truly gets to help lead the music. I'm not sure if this qualifies as a "musical director" type gig or not, but I'm kinda hoping it does and that it goes well. Someday, I think I want to be on the other side of the show. This could be the first step in that direction.

So, I'm not only in a show I wasn't really wanting to do, I'm also a "music-director"-of-sorts for said show. The thing about theatre, you never quite know whats going to happen. The mics could cut out in the middle of your solo or monologue, the entire stage lighting could go down because the computer running it got a virus (so this happened, in a show, while we were on stage...." the dark" was added to each line until intermission....good thing it was a comedy to begin with!) will keep you on your toes. In the best way possible. It'll bust you out of your comfort zone faster than you can blink. You'll either love it or leave it.

I'm pretty sure I'm loving it. Here's hoping I can stumble my way through this well enough to add to Paddington in a positive way.

Post-publication edit: I saw the cast list for Nunsense and I just want to state for the record that I was right. Not a snowballs chance in hell I would have made that show. Oh well, I'm having fun with the cutest bear this side of the equator, and I get to step into a leadership role. 

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