Saturday, July 5, 2014

Food, fun, fireworks, and friends.

Holy cats I'm tired.

But yesterday was so worth it, even if I wasn't able to go home. My hometown, Junction City, KS does a spectacular 4th of July celebration. It's a week long, involves a carnival, vendors, food, live music for days, and fireworks in the evenings with the biggest show being on the 4th. Main street (or Sixth Street, technically) is closed for blocks in all directions, the stage is set up right in the middle of the street facing the city park, the carnival spreads out around it and it's just the most wonderful experience ever. The parade in the morning is always huge and full of patriotism, which isn't a surprise since Junction City is home to Fort Riley and the Big Red One. *sigh* It's a wonderful week-long celebration. And I missed it this year.

I missed it due to a series of unfortunate events. First, I took our beloved yet old honda in for a tire rotation only to be told we'd need to replace two of the tires. There went the budget to drive home. Junction City is two hours away from where we currently live, and gas is 3.5something a gallon....but tires are important. And we were saving for a family vacation in July. Then, the very next day I was told that my department at work had "restructured" and I was "restructured" right out the door. Major bummer. There went not only my trip home but also our family vacation.

To say I've been bummed is an understatement. But, instead of letting depression beat me (and it's tried), I've been using Trauma Life, a blend from Young Living, at night and Idaho Blue Spruce oil during the day. Trauma Life, as the name suggests, helps you to release the negative emotions and, I believe, helps to stimulate the "happy" hormones. I put a drop in my hands at night as I go to bed, rub it down to my wrists, and inhale its wonderful aroma all night long. Among other things, it has Frankincense, which is one of my favorite scents, and Valerian, which helps with sleep disturbances. The Idaho Blue Spruce also helps with calming and grounding, which is important to keeping me from getting lost in the worry. A bit of brain power on the temples helps with the job applications.

So, yesterday, with the weight of not getting to go home weighing on me and an 8-year-old begging us to "do something, it's the 4th!!", I was extremely relieved to get a text from a dear friend saying we were going to another dear friends house for a bonfire, cookout, then to Sterling for fireworks, and back to the bonfire for s'mores. Food, friends, fun, fireworks, and beer. Too bad beer doesn't start with "f", then my alliteration would be PERFECT. Ha.

But first, we played in a parade. The Patriot's Parade, in Hutchinson. This year was one for the record books. We got word, as we sat on the trailer and baked, that the parade was delayed "due to a public safety threat." Turns out some guy had barricaded himself in his garage with a rifle and wasn't feeling very friendly, towards himself or anyone else. I'm not sure how that turned out, but the parade eventually got started. Then, right in the middle of the shindig, the train came through.

On the way back to the starting point, where most of us had parked, we "lost" a flag, so one of our older band members jumps off the moving trailer right in the middle of the road to "save" it. He's dang lucky he didn't get run over. Once he gets back on, he says, "Well, I used to jump boxcars as a kid, but I guess I misjudged the speed." You think?! Silly man, you're so very lucky you weren't run over by the trailer. Goodness gracious....

And my baby girl was corrupted and enticed to join the dark side...the low brass. I'm going to have to work on this. ;)

That evening we had a blast with good food, good friends, and good company. Steaks cooked over an open flame are something special. Meals thrown together at the last minute are the best when friends are around the table, or bonfire.

The fireworks at Sterling weren't as good as the ones in JC probably were, but to have an evening where I could put my worries aside, even if it was just for a few hours, kick back, have a Mike's Hard Lemonade or two (the Black Cherry is my favorite!) and just enjoy companionship was a blessing.

And the bugs weren't that bad. I used Purification, a YL blend, on myself and Mallory and it worked like a charm! One drop rubbed into my arms, one drop for exposed ankles and feet, and the same for Mallory and not one bug bite all night. Now, I just have to figure out how to make it a spray to keep it cost effective.

YL, good friends, good food, good music, good fireworks....great 4th.

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