Sunday, July 6, 2014

Fishy business

We added to our little family today. A Calico-Fantail-Goldfish. Appropriately named Callie. Or Kelly, it's changed a couple of times in the last few hours.

We had a goldfish before. A nice good sized one that would beg for food. It was the cutest thing. But, it decided it'd had enough of the tank life and jumped to its demise. Right out of the tank. I've never seen a fish do that before, but finding it on the floor in the morning left no question as to what happened.

So, we "adopted" a fish from PetCo tonight.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to take a picture of a fish on a camera phone?

Isn't she cute? Not that you can tell what she looks like....oh well, it was a valiant effort. Hopefully she'll be alive in the morning. It's always a gamble with fish. 

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