Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Unemployed and addicted to Pinterest

So, I've been away a while, nursing my wounded spirit and contemplating how people who were you friends one day are your worst enemy the next...and then I found Pinterest. Ok, so it's not making me any money, it's not helping me to find ways to make money, and it's not convinced me that all people should be forgiven (one day I'll be there...), but it is fun. Really fun. Really, really fun.

I've found lots of craft and sewing ideas that I've pinned, some cost saving do-it-at-home ideas that I've pinned and some yummy looking recipes that I've pinned. I'm going to use this space to document my adventures in recreating some of what I've been pinning.

The first thing I made from Pinterest is a t-shirt bag. Here is the website that the pin linked to. I hope this works. I've never added a link before.

Here is my finished product.

I took an old t-shirt from a Klear Nearly day gone by and converted it into my new Chamber of Commerce bag. I thought it was appropriate.

In addition to crafting/easy-sewing projects I've also been busy working on new knitting projects. Over Christmas break I made case for my knitting needles.

I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I actually remembered how my sewing machine works, for the  most part. This case was my re-introduction to the world of sewing. Not that it's all that much, I didn't even finish off the top of the case, but I had to thread the thing, and wind the bobbin, so it was an easy entry.

I also did a bit of knitting. Mostly while watching Grey's Anatomy from beginning to current (thank you Netflix and Hulu!). I made a few dishcloths, nothing to write home about there, hence the pictures (and they're in the laundry), and a few other things...
The simple beret, the pattern I found here... . Yes, I made two completed ones and am working on a third. I really like this beret.

Here is one of mine completed.

Mine ended up being a little bigger than the original because I used a heavier weight yarn then the pattern called for, but it was easy and I love them because they really do help keep me warm.

I made one of these and fundamentally it turned out but I didn't have a decent color ribbon or thread so it looked a bit off. Hence no picture.

This is my current project. It's not completed, but it's a dance bag, hobo style, for M.

The flash does not do the color justice, but it's a nice deep pink corduroy vintage fabric my mom gave me a long time ago. It's also the same fabric I used to make my knitting needle case out of. I still have to finish the strap, but that should happen tonight, so by tomorrow afternoon there should be pictures. It's not like I have a lot else to do these days....

and the inside...
Fully lined. I'm only a little proud of myself.

I love pinterest because of the many, many things you can find on there to do. Like this. Creating curls out of socks. Since tomorrow is picture day, the one that I like, as opposed to the picture day last semester this one offers the keychains pictures and stuff, I thought we'd try out the sock bun curler idea and see if it works. I'll update tomorrow as to its effectiveness.

There are a few other things I got off the site that I'm going to try, like home made make-up remover wipes, home-made laundry soap and possibly home-made dish soap. And the recipes. I'll post as I do those things and their effectiveness as well.

Have fun Pinning!

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