Monday, September 12, 2011

Proud Geek

Yes I am.

It's a badge I will wear proudly. I am a geek.

I'm a band geek first. No matter how low my soul feels, no matter where my faith may be, no matter the crap the universe is slinging in my direction band always makes me feel better. There's something about playing, losing myself in the notes, rythmns, melodies, counter-melodies, whatever the page brings me that lifts me up like nothing else can. I love every aspect of being in band. Love the taste of a new reed. Love the feeling of my fingers on the key holes, the sound of the keys moving. I love band. I love a note held in unison (and in tune if we're lucky enough). I love a sustained note with a moving percussion underneath it.

I love band.

I'm also a Syfy fan. Yep, the tv channel. I love Haven, Eureka, and Warehouse 13. I like Star Trek Next Gen., Ghost Hunters, Battlestar Galactica. I love Syfy. I love Nathan Fillion, in Firefly, Castle, Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog. I'm a geek. I'd probably really enjoy Comic-Con, too.

I *heart* being a geek.

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