Wednesday, March 4, 2015

TWW (aka the best show that was ever on tv)

I love the tv show The West Wing. Yeah, it's an oldie now. And yes, it's about politics. Which is the main reason I love it so much. It's politics with reason. And logic. And common sense. All things that are lacking in today's world.

I want to live in Jed Bartlett's America. I want to see a country led by Josh Lyman, Leo McGarry, Toby Ziegler, Will Bailey, Sam Seaborn, and CJ Cregg. I want my child to grow up with Zoe Bartlett, Charlie Young, Molly and Huck Ziegler and the Santos kids.

This is a tv show that not only transports me to a parallel universe, it makes me think. It allows its viewers the opportunity to discuss, examine, and learn about the country and world they live in. A very dear friend of mine from my college days and I watch this show together on a fairly regular basis. We watch it on Netflix while chatting about it via facebook messenger. We're nerd-sisters. We almost always agree on politics, but we love seeing how the situations in the show mirror or foretell the events of our world. It is, at times, uncanny how similar these can be. Especially considering how old the show is. But, when schedules allow we queue it up and chat away while watching our favorite politicians and White House advisors duke it out with Republicans, the Senate, Congress, and each other.

And occasionally we lament to one another how tv shows of today are just sorely lacking.

I want to live in TWW universe. But for now, thank you Aaron Sorkin, for creating a world that gives me hope. Even if it's for an hour at a time.

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